A big part of owning a motorcycle is being able to keep it maintained. Although you should be regularly scheduling service visits, it’s also important to take care of your motorcycle between visits! Our team at Harley-Davidson® of Fargo is here to be a top resource for all your needs, so we’ve put together a quick list of tools you need to have on hand to care for your bike.

Acknowledge Your Skills

Let’s take a quick moment to think about the reality of maintaining your motorcycle. It’s important to seek professional servicing if there is a serious problem, but smaller tasks like oil changes and tightening bolts can be done at home. However, it’s very important to be honest about your confidence when completing maintenance tasks at home! If you aren’t comfortable doing a project, don’t be afraid to outsource. 

Building Your Toolbox

If you are confident about doing simple motorcycle maintenance tasks, there are a handful of tools you’ll need. Most tools will be universal across all models, but it might be necessary to take a look at your specific model to determine if there are any speciality tools you need. 

Generally, these are the tools you’ll want to keep in your toolbox to maintain your motorcycle at home: allen wrench, flat head screwdriver, pliers, multipurpose knife, flashlight, battery cables, and spare fuses. You can also keep an oil pan and the correct oil available to change it whenever it needs it. 

Caring for your motorcycle is part of the fun of ownership! Visit us in West Fargo, ND, to schedule your service appointments and stock up on all the parts you need. We happily serve the Grand Forks and Jamestown areas.